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Heating System Defects and Issues
A sampling of the multitude of Heating Defects we have found.

(Click the picture for more detailed descriptions)

Leaks on Flue Pipe

Leaks on Flue Pipe

This gas fired system has stains and corrosion on it's metal flue pipe.

Through Wall Gas Vent in Vinyl

Through Wall Gas Vent in Vinyl

Through Wall Gas Vents need to be properly installed on mounting blocks which are flashed and sealed to prevent water entry to the building. This mounting block is missing it's flashing - and water which runs behing the vinyl could enter the building via the PVC pipe holes behind the block.

Condensing Gas Boiler

Condensing Gas Boiler

This Boiler (Cover removed for the picture) is fairly well installed, with the exceptions of: There is no acid neutralizer in the condenate pipe and the heat pipes are not insulated.

Scorching Signs

Scorching Signs

Scorching and Flue gas leakage signs - such as are shown here on this oil fired boiler - can be a serious potential issue and often cause damage, corrosion and sometimes even leaks. (Gaskets above the scorched areas can be damaged by heat and sometimes leak)



Trash Incinerators are no longer allowed in residential homes. The green system is an old incinerator - and it must be removed. Note: the boiler is a 1960s vintage boiler and is WELL past it's average life span!

Scorching Damage

Scorching Damage

A oil fired boiler shows damage to wiring and it's pressure/temperature gauge. The scorching in this case was a direct result of a damaged/collapsed combustion chamber inside this heating system.

Cracked Combustion Chamber Door

Cracked Combustion Chamber Door

The combustion chamber door was cracked in half and "patched". This is a serious potential hazard for fire and combustion gasses escaping this oil fired boiler.

Backdrafting Gas System

Backdrafting Gas System

This old gas fired boiler shows discoloration over the burners and was actively leaking combustion gasses (backdrafting) from it's burners (see the discolored and darkened area on the front of this unit over the burners. The metal piece in my hand is the "flame shield" - which was NOT installed - and likely the source of this potentially serious hazardous situation.

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